Blog Traffic and Blog Income Experiment

I've decided to take blogging more seriously. I have been feeling lazy because of this pregnancy but nowadays I am more compelled to get this website going. I've been researching and researching these past few weeks on how I can become a successful blogger. I love to do D.I.Y, fashion and talk about my child endlessly but photo taking, editing and writing was a bit much for me with a toddler and currently feeling fatigued at 7 months pregnant. It's added task to being pregnant, a mother, a wife, a cook, a maid and etc. 

Why start now you ask? 

Being a stay at home parent has ups and downs. I get to stay with my babies and teach them to be bright and respectful. My home is always clean and organized and I get to cook a meal on time for my family without the hustle and bustle of a 9 to 5 job. I wont miss any of my sons moments on camera and I get to say Hi Honey! How was work? then show him what I have recorded and tell him about all the accomplishments his son did that day. 

The downside is losing and gaining experience of working outside of home, not being able to socially interact with others and not bring home the second bacon (income). The internet is my outlet for all these things. I can be a freelance writer, interact with others that may have the same circumstance as me and potentially grow some form of income. 

I'm not expecting to get rich off this and It's not like I gave up a 9 to 5 job to blog full time therefore, everything to gain and nothing to loose. Besides I have a deep passion for blogging so why not get paid to do what you absolutely love. 

So with that explanation I have a wonderful idea that might spark some interest. I've decided to show you what I have been doing this past week with blog traffic. Some that have worked quickly in a matter of hours to others that might take a little more time. I want to show you my progress weekly at the end of every week, Sunday. I will continue to strive and work my hardest, and well, while I've done the research and put some information to good use I could hopefully inspire you to do what has been successful for me.

Here is what my current traffic looks  like :/

As you can see before August 6, 2013 I was lazy ol' Crystal not keeping up with my blog and the only place I have ever shared my post was my private facebook. Family and friends were my only audience. I focused on researching ways to grow my audience so starting August 7th I put all the information I learned to work. This was a huge jump for me considering that I have very small audience. I did something right. 

So what did I do differently?

  • I blogged! I'm not being sarcastic here but if you don't blog you have no content. If you blog once a month like I did you have no content. I finally post my first DIY which you can click right here. I took my time to edit and to write an actual tutorial. I am making it my business to post frequently because great post or a few post will only make your readers stay for a short period. Give them more options, more post and more information so that they'll stay longer.
  • I shared on my private Facebook account
  • Then something I have never done. I've posted on my Pinterest, I currently have 228 followers mostly following my Do It Yourself Board.
  • I have interacted with many other bloggers and left my website address on the comment section. Making sure not to spam.
  • I joined Stumbleupon a year ago but never thought to use my website for stumbling. That has changed a week ago. 
Just today I have joined other bookmark and blogging communities such as

  • Reddit
  • Blogher Blog
  • Blog Hop linking parties such as 2justbyou who is hosting the link party. 
  • I opened a Facebook community page. 
I know some of the information I've shared is pretty basic but this has worked for me this week and even though the boost of audience is not in the thousands I plan to work my way up. Slowly but surely. Let me know what has worked for you. Sharing is caring and I would love to learn and continue to be inspired by you.

Wait till you see what is happening with my Money Blogging Experiment. I will be posting updated information weekly. I have joined, experimented and researched several ways to make money blogging even if the amount was a few cents.  As of right now I made...


  • Adsense - $16.85

Just a note: I have used Adsense for over a year with my last blog which I no longer use. Silly me never thought the potential it would have brought if I just continued. It currently holds 22,000 views and it is where I made most of the Adsense revenue. Since then I have opened this blog and have added Adsense to it. 

Just this week I applied for 

  • Liijit
  • Blogher Ads

Lijit almost instantly after sign up and setup started showing some revenue even if it was a few cents. More traffic more potential earnings. 

Blogher ads is currently on hold because my website is being reviewed. 

What marketing and money making strategies worked for you? I'd love to hear from you. Thanks for stopping by and see you next week for another full report on my experiments. 
