09 April 2013

Moving Stress & Pregnant

Many events has occurred since March 25, 2013 the reason for the lack of post, but we'll begin with February 15, 2013 when I found out I won't be dyeing my hair any time soon or drinking wine or champagne for the next 9 months; 10 if you want to count the conceived time. Yes indeedy, I am pregnant with my second child and currently 11 weeks this exact day. I controlled becoming pregnant with the use of birth control for the first few months. My husband and I did absolutely no preventing and no trying, if it happened it was a blessing and it was meant to be. We talked about having another child but I started feeling a little more shameful of the thought because of the up coming move and the new job my husband newly acquired.

Then I decided I would go back on birth control the following month if I wasn't pregnant already. I started feeling very hot feet, very faint, very different. I did my daily Insanity workout and during these workouts I died and nearly passed out, and thought how could this happen if I've completed these workouts without health problems. My husband probably thought I made excuses because I did have lazy days. He would push me to work out and this time instead of pushing myself I felt disgruntled by the lack of understanding my husband had when I told him the room was spinning. I even cried and parked myself on the couch hoping the room that I was in would stop playing mind games.

Moving on, long story short, I wanted to drink my Moscato that my husband gifted me for Valentine's Day but my subconscious spoke and I waited till the next day to take a test. First test very faint line almost non existent, second test faint but noticeable, then the third test the next day was a boom all in your face positive line. Sayonara Moscato!

We started packing and preparing for our 3000 mile move back to the east coast. Goodbye California! you were fascinating but my family is back in the east coast and it is where our home shall be. Hello New state! It will take some time getting use to you and your crappy weather but we will manage. Thanks for welcoming my family with the stomach virus because of the sick people and your weather. Geez! (can you tell I am a bit bitter about the gloomy cold weather).

I won't make any apologies for the lack of post because pregnant and driving a long way with my son in the car fussy and worried about my husband hauling a huge truck with the second car towed at the back is an adamant excuse for not blogging (pregnancy hormones).

There are many things I need to accomplish before I can completely sit down and focus on my blog, and that includes moving into a new home. We are currently staying with family for the mean time until we move into our new home sometime soon. My husband is very fortunate to have found an outstanding job and we truly are blessed for everything that has happened. Transitioning from military life is far from easy and for everything that has happened thus far is simply God's work and the power of prayer.

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