10 May 2013

16 Weeks Pregnant

Okay, so I've been gone for quite some time. Once again the pregnancy fatigue has really gotten the best of me. Also just a note if you didn't know I am only 16 weeks pregnant and my stomach literally showed up out of nowhere. :-/ I understand with a second baby the baby bump appears much sooner and much larger, therefore, it seems that I am much further along (plus, before the photo shoot I ate so much so my actual stomach is bigger than my baby bump.) I've grown very weary of doing my hair, makeup and the energy to style myself because I am home most of the time and I have been sleeping and eating like a true lazy person. I think a daily workout is an order. I really give two flying thumbs up to the woman that work at the same time while pregnant. I would be a cranky reckless mess.

Without my husband I swear I think I would have struggled a bit, he's completely comfortable with me being a temporary SAHM (stay at home mom).  He suggested that staying home with the baby will benefit my sons developmental growth and I completely agree. My son is definitely an intelligent child and I am blessed. Although at times I am very compelled to find a job.

Blogging, and freelancing is my full time job even though at this very moment I am quite horrible at keeping up with it. There are other things I plan to pursue in life that is currently on hold but I can't wait for the day that I actually finish my degree as a nurse anesthetist. I would be reaping rewards. I don't really know where this random topic is coming from but thought I just needed to let this one out.
Anyway, tomorrow will be the day we get to find out what the gender of the baby is. I really hope this place we're going to is as good as the one I went to in California.  I have yet to find a doctor that will do a VBAC (vaginal birth after c-section).

I'm sorry I have to end this post much sooner then expected. It is so damn hot and muggy and while your pregnant it irritates you more than the average. Can't wait to post the gender reveal, keeping my fingers crossed that he or she will cooperate with the ultrasound technician. Toodles! :)


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