09 April 2014

Toddler activities making playdough

Two weekends ago me and my two year old kiddo made some good ol' clay dough. I took the DIY approach and YouTube'd how to make playdough. I think this is a much safer alternative because I knew exactly what ingredients were in it. Sure you could Google ingredients for playdough and find things like hardeners, surfactants, Retrogradation inhibitor and other ingredients unknown to the average human but personally flour, salt, vegetable oil and food coloring is more understandable and quite frankly a safer approach because I cook with these items. If it's safe enough to eat it will be safe enough to play with. Agree?
Toddler Activities DIY
Excuse my un professional like photographs as I have been going through a lot of blah days. Information about what YouTube video I used for reference will be at the bottom of this post. 
Making Playdoughdiy playdough
A lot of kneading and a lot of stained fingers. I suggest using the video under as a reference. The one I used made a dryer playdough making it unplayable and no fun to work with.

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